Nampa Chamber of Commerce Names 2022 Board Members

Nampa Chamber of Commerce Names 2022 Board Members
Jean Mutchie Takes the Helm as Board Chair
As the Nampa Chamber of Commerce enters a new fiscal year, the Board of Directors changes occurred on August 1, 2022. Often putting service above self, the Board of Directors provides guidance and counsel toward the Chamber’s mission and vision.
Travis Leach (Saint Alphonsus) will move from Chairman of the Board to Past Chair. Travis has been a member of the Chamber Board of Directors since 2018. CEO Mitch Minnette says, “I would like to express my sincere gratitude for Travis and his dedicated service as the Board Chair for the past two years. The Nampa Chamber has been extremely fortunate to be under the strong leadership of Travis during the unique and unprecedented times we’ve experienced the past two years like we have never seen before. Travis always led by example and with confidence to make sure we made the best decisions possible in the best interest of our members and business community. Travis cares deeply about the Nampa community and works tirelessly to ensure it is a quality place to live and work. Thank you to Travis for who you are and ALL you have done for the Nampa Chamber.”
The incoming Board Chair is a well-known community champion and advocate, Jean Mutchie. Jean is St. Luke’s Health System’s West Treasure Valley Community Health Manager. She has worked in the healthcare industry for more than 20 years, and 19 of those have been spent in various capacities within St. Luke’s. Jean’s work focuses on community health initiatives that impact where we live, learn, work, play, pray and age.
Jean is a former Nampa City Council member and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation fellow, and she is a co-founder of the Idaho Resilience Project and 2C Kids Succeed. Both initiatives are community-driven collaboratives with cross-sector partners working together to build healthy and resilient communities.
In addition to the Nampa Chamber, Jean currently serves on the boards of the Nampa Boys & Girls Club and Breaking Chains Academy of Development. In her words, “I’m excited and humbled to take on this leadership role as part of the Nampa Chamber of Commerce. As I begin my term as Board Chair, I am reminded of what a remarkable community Nampa is for families, businesses, and visitors. The Nampa Chamber is the consistent heartbeat of our business community while helping create a place where people want to live and play. Over the years, the Nampa Chamber has provided me with some of the most significant opportunities to meet colleagues and friends.”
In addition, the Nampa Chamber welcomes its three newest board members, Cliff Long, Director of Development Services for the City of Nampa; Kory Wall, Regional Banking District Manager at Wells Fargo; and Tasha Wiegand, Executive Assistant at Amazon HR.
To view a complete list of Nampa Chamber board members, go to: