The Nampa Chamber encourages opposition to SB1108 as proposed

The Nampa Chamber encourages opposition to SB1108 as proposed
Courtesy of Mitch Minnette and Matt Johnson, Chair, Nampa Chamber Government Relations Committee
The Nampa Chamber would like you and your business to know about proposed legislation before the Legislature. Our Government Relations committee has identified a proposed bill that is problematic for the City of Nampa and our business community. SB1108, as currently written, would undermine the City's ability to fund and provide adequate services, including public safety. In addition, SB 1108 would likely undercut continued growth and business development in Nampa. The cons drastically outweigh the pros of how this bill would affect our local businesses and residents in Nampa and throughout the State.
As a chartered 501c6, the Nampa Chamber has the opportunity to lobby and provide advice and advocacy to our local Legislators. As a Chamber of Commerce, we make sure to monitor bills that will directly impact our local businesses and the health of our economy and community. We will continue to monitor this bill and any changes to provide you with the necessary updates.
For additional information regarding this bill, please see the joint press release from Mayor Kling and the Nampa Fire Department, and for a detailed breakdown of the proposed bill SB1108, please see click here. If you have additional questions or would like to provide your own personal/business opinion to our local legislators, please find their contact information here.
The Nampa Chamber encourages opposition to SB1108 as proposed.
Courtesy of Mitch Minnette and Matt Johnson, Chair, Nampa Chamber Government Relations Committee