People Building as a Business Building Strategy

People Building as a Business Building Strategy
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 (10:00 AM - 11:00 AM) (MDT)
Please join us via Microsoft Teams invite supplied at time of registration.
People building organizations are those that see their employees as an investment and to maximize that investment they work to grow and build them. If you’re a small business owner who views your people as a raw material or worse, a necessary evil, to make your business hum then you’re running a people-using organization—one that won’t recruit and/or retain top talent in this job market and whose ability to sustain and prosper over time will be limited.
Please Join us as Blake Hansen of the Alturas Group takes us through the following:
- His philosophy and best practices for attraction/retention
- Difference between management and leadership
- How leadership is the best vehicle to grow your business
About Our Subject Matter Expert:
Blake Hansen is Founder and CEO of Alturas, a private company that owns a diversified group of operating businesses in real estate, construction, technology, and other industries. The Alturas group of companies are consistently rated among the best places to work in Idaho.
At the core of the business model is a focus on people and a belief that businesses unlock human potential by creating opportunity for and taking care of people. Each business is run with an emphasis on partnerships with employees, customers, investors, and the community at large.
Blake has been married to his wife Kim for 18 years. They have 6 children, ages 2 to 15 and enjoy doing all things outdoors as a family.
This workshop is offered for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. Consult with an attorney or other professional concerning your own needs and circumstances. The views and opinions expressed by the speaker are not necessarily those of Zions Bank®, its parent or affiliates. Zions Bank is a division of Zions Bancorporation, N.A., Member FDIC.
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